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Year of Publication: 
[Journal:] Junior Management Science (JUMS) [ISSN:] 2942-1861 [Volume:] 8 [Issue:] 1 [Year:] 2023 [Pages:] 163-187
Junior Management Science e. V., Planegg
To date many studies have investigated the different potentials of material and experiential purchases on making consumers happy. There is a strong recommendation to prefer experiential purchases when seeking happiness, the so called "experiential advantage". But do experiences always make people happier as compared to material purchases? This study proposes a memory asymmetry in experiential and material purchases as a main antecedent of reported consumer happiness in favor of experiential purchases. Employing a mixed online experiment, especially the role of self-expression in that context was investigated. Germanspeaking respondents indicated that when equally self-expressive, both material and experiential purchases can contribute to their happiness in the same degree. Nevertheless, an interesting finding was that there is a significant preference to use experiential purchases for conveying a person's true self to someone else. The heavier use of self-expressive purchases in socialization can explain why it is easier to recall self-expressive experiential than self-expressive material purchases. This memory asymmetry results in self-expressive experiential purchases being more frequently recalled than self-expressive material purchases when asked to intuitively recall a purchase that has contributed to one's happiness. Thus, that might be a reason why scholars have observed the "experiential advantage". The results are discussed as well as their meaning for different areas. Finally, recommendations for future research are offered.
Material possessions
experiential advantage
memory asymmetry
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